National Archery In The Schools Program
The National Archery in the Schools Program (NASP®) is a joint venture between the state and provincial departments of Education and Wildlife.
Several archery equipment manufacturers and organizations are also partners. The program promotes student education, physical education and participation in the life-long sport of Archery. In Alberta, the Alberta Hunter Education Instructors' Association (AHEIA) is the coordinator of this program.
2025 NASP® Tournaments Information
AHEIA NASP Provincials 2025
3D Tournament & 10/15 Meter Tournament
March 20-22, 2025
Edmonton Boat and Sportsmen Show
Edmonton EXPO Centre
7515 118 Ave NW
Edmonton, AB
T5B 0J2
2025 NASP National Tournament
May 8-10, 2025
Wetaskiwin Co-op Place
4519 50 Ave
Wetaskiwin, AB
T9A 2S1
More info coming soon
For a full list of regional tournaments please visit www.nasptournaments.org.
2024 - 2025 AHEIA NASP® Grants
Application guidelines can be found here.



The program's focus is to provide International Style Target Archery training in physical education classes grades 4-12. It is designed to allow students of all backgrounds and abilities to flourish.
Before presenting the NASP® archery units of study, teachers must undergo an 8-hour National Archery in the Schools Program ® Basic Archery Instructor Training Program. Once teachers have successfully completed this program, equipment can then be ordered through NASP®.
For more information on the NASP® program please visit WWW.NASPSCHOOLS.ORG
Kaiya Day - Alberta
I’m Kaiya and I do archery while being handicapped. I was born with a rare condition called Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita (A.M.C.). I found a way to participate in archery using only one arm to pull the string and release the arrow.I have been participating in archery for 3.5 years. It has not been the easiest thing to do, but that never made me stop.
With my bow held in place, I grab the string with a reverse grip, walk backwards to pull the string back, adjust my aim to the target, and check with my coach before releasing the string. Archery is one of my favorite things to do because it is a lot more accessible for everyone, unlike basketball or soccer. Another reason why I like archery is because it helps prove that handicapped people can do anything that they put their mind to, and that’s why I participate, but also because it is a fun activity.

If your school is interested in providing the NASP® please contact us.
Alberta Hunter Education Instructors' Association
Phone: (403)252-8474 Email: info@aheia.com