Range Officer Certification Courses

Range Officer Certification Course
The Range Officer Certification will provide participants with training in various areas of the proper running and overseeing of any shooting range through a mixture of classroom and on-range training.
Topics Covered Include:
Suggested Safety Rules | Rules of Operation | Range Layout | Range Control and Commands | Basic Fundamentals of Marksmanship | Range Exercises | Official Scoring | Trap and Skeet Procedures | Firing Positions and Shooting Order | And Much More!
The Range Officer Certification Course is open to all current AHEIA members in good standing who assist with AHEIA sanctioned events. All Participants must be 18 years of age and older, and possess a valid PAL.
AHEIA is offering a Range Safety Officer Certification Course at both our Alford Lake Facility and the Calgary Firearms Centre on Saturday, April 26, 2025. The above noted posters will provide you with detailed information on the course and each location.
Please click the applicable tab below to register. Payment is required upon registration.
Calgary Firearms Centre Location: Call (403) 252-8474 with your credit card details to complete registration.
Alford Lake Location: Call (780) 466-6682 with your credit card details to complete registration.
Registration Deadline: April 22, 2025.
For those attending the Alford Lake Course and wish to arrive the day before, you are welcome to stay in one of our primitive cabins. For more information contact (780) 466-6682.
Shotgun Coaching Workshops

Shotgun Coaching Workshop
The Shotgun Coaching Workshop will provide participants with training in numerous areas of shot gunning and how to be an effective coach through a mixture of classroom and on-range training.
Topics Covered Include:
Firearms and Range Safety | Fundamentals of Trap Shooting | Firearms Actions and Use | Proper Ammunition | Proper Firearms Fit | Styles of Shooting | Range Courtesy | Shotgun Nomenclature | Maintenance | Proper Coaching Techniques | And Much More!
The Shotgun Coach Workshop is open to all current AHEIA members including the general public. All participants must be 18 years of age and older, and possess a valid PAL.
AHEIA is offering a Shotgun Coaching Workshop at both our Alford Lake Facility and the Calgary Firearms Centre on Sunday, April 27, 2025. The above noted posters will provide you with detailed information on the course and each location.
Please click the applicable tab below to register. Payment is required upon registration.
Calgary Firearms Centre Location: Call (403) 252-8474 with your credit card details to complete registration.
Alford Lake Location: Call (780) 466-6682 with your credit card details to complete registration.
Registration Deadline: April 22, 2025.
For those attending the Alford Lake Workshop and wish to arrive the day before, you are welcome to stay in one of our primitive cabins. For more information contact (780) 466-6682.
Youth Hunter Education Camp
Due to the continued success and popularity of our Youth Hunter Education Camps, we hope to once again be offering four camps this summer! The Youth Hunter Education Camp is a five-day event of fun-filled learning activities. Experts share their knowledge and provide instruction in the Alberta Conservation and Hunter Education Program, the Canadian Firearms Safety Course and much more.
The cost of the program includes lodging, breakfast, lunch and supper Monday through Thursday and breakfast on Friday. Also included is all instruction, course handbooks and testing for the various certifications as well as an A.H.E.I.A. camp t-shirt. Upon successful completion of the appropriate exams, students are certified in the Alberta Conservation and Hunter Education Program and the Canadian Firearms Program. They can then update their Wildlife Identification Number (WIN Card) Profile to be eligible to hunt, and are able to apply for their Minors Permit for firearms.
Camp 1: June 29 to July 4
Camp 2: July 6 to 11
Camp 3: July 13 to 18
Camp 4: July 20 to 25
AHEIA Teachers Workshop
July 28 - 30, 2025
The AHEIA Teachers' Workshop is held annually at the AHEIA Alford Lake Conservation Education Center for Excellence. Attendees there can certify to teach Hunter Education, Fishing Education, the Pleasure Craft Operator Training, and the AHEIA NASP Program. These programs are offered in Alberta schools through the Alberta Education curriculum within the Careers and Technology Studies option, Natural Resources (NAT) Program or Careers and Technology Foundations Programs for Grades 5 to 9. The programs offered at the AHEIA Teachers' Workshop meet all requirements specified by the Alberta Education curriculum guide.
Outdoor Women's Program
Wednesday, August 6 - Sunday, August 11, 2025
The Outdoor Women's Program (OWP) began in 1994 with the intention of encouraging women to enjoy the great outdoors by providing opportunities to gain confidence, increase competence, acquire experience and promote personal growth in skills pertaining to the out of doors.
This program is not only educational but is an excellent way for women to come together and enjoy each other's company at AHEIA's beautiful Alford Lake facility each year in early August. The days at OWP are jam-packed with courses - from fly fishing to archery, canoeing, firearms basics to field dressing. OWP has something for every woman to learn and enjoy.
Registration for the 2025 Outdoor Women's Program will take place this spring. We recommend attending the entire 5-day program for an in-depth experience, however you may choose to attend for a few days. If you would like to be put on the notification list for this year's event, please fill in the form, below.
Below is the information package including activities that were offered at the 2024 OWP.
The 2025 information package will be available in May.
Outdoor Family Seminar
Friday, August 22 - Sunday, August 24, 2025
Information Coming Soon
Rifle Sight- In Day
Fall 2024 Rifle Sight-In Clinic!
Join us on Sunday, October 6, 2024 at AHEIA’s Alford Lake Conservation Education Centre for Excellence for a Rifle Sight-In Clinic! Ranges available include 25, 50, 100, 200, and 300 yards. AHEIA staff will be on site to offer assistance as required, but note that this is not a shooting clinic, this clinic is to assist in the sighting of your firearm. Hot dog lunch will be provided. Bring your own rifle and 2 boxes of ammunition. This clinic runs from 9:30am-3:00pm and registration is just $25.
Registration is now open, be sure to secure your spot using the link below!
Register Now
Provincial Hunting Day
The fourth Saturday of every September has become a special date within Alberta. In 2007, the Alberta Government declared this day each year to be Provincial Hunting Day. The next event will take place on September 28, 2024. It marks the 17th annual Provincial Hunting Day and is a reminder to all Albertans of our hunting heritage, and of the importance of securing a future for wildlife and wild places, especially within our province.
This year the Alberta Hunter Education Instructors’ Association is celebrating the Provincial Hunting Day at our Alford Lake AND our Calgary Firearms Facility.
The Provincial Hunting Day activities at the AHEIA Calgary Firearms Centre in DeWinton include the shotgun sports such as trap, skeet and sporting clays, archery and a hunting dog demonstration. This event runs from 8:30a.m. until 2:00p.m.
AHEIA and Hunting for Tomorrow are offering a daylong event at Alford Lake for those who want to explore the outdoors and expand their shooting and hunting knowledge. A partial listing of the sessions we are working on are Crossbow Basics, Shotgun Shooting Basics, Centerfire Rifle Shooting, Rimfire Rifle Shooting, Archery Basics, Black Powder Shooting, Making Your Own Survival Kit, Make a Moose Call, Whitetail Hunting Techniques plus more sessions will be added (subject to change). This event runs from 8:30a.m. until 4:00p.m.
We will also be providing a complimentary lunch, snacks, and beverages at both locations.
Alford Lake Provincial Hunting Day Event is now full. Please email edmontoninfo@aheia.com to be added to the 2025 notification list.
2025 Alberta Hunter Education Instructors' Association Annual General Meeting
The Alberta Hunter Education Instructors’ Association Annual General Meeting is on Sunday, March 9, 2025 at 3:00pm.
This will be an in-person meeting at our Calgary Conservation Education Centre for Excellence, 911 Sylvester Crescent SW, Calgary, AB.
Beverages and light snacks will be available. We hope to see you there!