Free Workbooks
AHEIA’s Outdoor Wildlife Learning (O.W.L.) Series is a FREE collection of workbooks and videos for all ages. From printable activity books for the young ones to fly tying tutorials, AHEIA’s O.W.L. Series has resources for everyone.
Mule Deer vs. White-Tailed Deer Workbook
This workbook covers all the key differences between Mule Deer and White-Tailed Deer from physical characteristics to habitat, as well as information about common deer body movements, reactive responses, and parasites/diseases.
As a responsible and ethical hunter, you must positively identify your quarry. By the end of this workbook, you’ll have the confidence that the animal you’re hunting is the animal that matches your license.
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Jerky Making Basics Workbook
If you have always wanted to learn a new skill, have a new use for your wild game or just really enjoy jerky but don’t want to pay the high prices that the stores are asking for a quick snack then this workbook is for you.
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An educational workbook to keep your child interested and stimulated with mazes, word searches, colouring and more!
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Know Your Knots Workbook
This activity book teaches the important life and outdoor survival skill of knot tying. It features detailed instructions on how to tie 19 knots from start to finish (complete with photos and descriptions). Plus! There is a bonus super fun paracord activity also included!
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Survival Kit Essentials Workbook
This edition helps ensure that you will never again have to leave for your next wilderness adventure underprepared. We go through all the important parts of a survival kit and explain the different criteria to consider when building one for yourself! We have even created a free descriptive learning video to accompany this guide!
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THINK Firearm Safety Workbook
An educational workbook accompanied with a video to help people of all ages to THINK around firearms. Accompanied by a descriptive learning video to demonstrate the acronyms ACTS and PROVE.
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Tick Awareness Workbook
This workbook is chalked full of 27-pages of useful information, pictures and fun activities on Tick awareness for parents and their kids so that they can continue to enjoy the great outdoors, safely. This module is also accompanied by another descriptive learning video which demonstrates tick removal techniques.
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Fly Tying Workbook
AHEIA wants to give you a ‘Royal' advantage with a tutorial on how to tie the Royal Coachman dry fly. This workbook and video spare no details in showing you how to tie the most recognizable fly pattern known in fly fishing, which was first tied in 1830!
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Boat Safety Workbook
As avid outdoors people, safety must be our first priority when undertaking any outdoor activity. No activity requires a safe mind-set more than being in or on the water. This workbook looks at some of the equipment, the rules, and the regulations that keep us safe while on the water.
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Shotgun Chokes Workbook
If you went to any gun club in the world and listened to shotgunners, it wouldn't be long before the topic of "Choke" came up. It also wouldn't be long before you were witness to as many opinions as the number of people in the group ... you will hear what is right or wrong and what the mystical powers of choke are and how "Choke" was the answer to all your lost targets or missed birds!
To put it simply, shotgun choke can make all the difference to your shooting. It can determine the difference between a Miss or a Hit of whatever you are pointing your shotgun at!
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Goose/Duck Poppers Workbook
There are many variations of this recipe but one thing in common is that they all taste spectacular! These delicious appetizers go by many names but we call‘em "Poppers" because you "pop‘em in" and they are gone just like that!
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Sausage Making Basics Workbook
Sausage is a great option when looking at the best way to process your game meat. This workbook and video will take you through all you need to know as a complete beginner and offer some helpful tips for our more experienced sausage makers!
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Map and Compass Basics
Learning how to use a map and compass to travel in unknown terrain can be fun and rewarding. It could even save your life if you become lost while out hunting, fishing or just exploring!
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